Planning & Zoning
The Planning & Zoning Commission reviews proposed amendments to zoning ordinances, site plans and plat applications, and also makes recommendations to the Council regarding the current and future development of the Village of Duncan. Please call the Zoning Administrator with questions at 402-276-5852 (Doug Michalak). P&Z Committee meets quarterly. Agendas are posted in the Village Office, Post Office and Tbone 2.
Please click the link below to find the zoning permit or other application you may need. Once the application has been received by the Zoning Administrator, he will then assess the application and possibly speak with you. He will then either approve or deny the application. Once you receive an approval from Doug, he will let you know how to proceed. Please note that there is a fee with most of the applications. The fees range, and can be found under the 'fees' link. Zoning Permit fees are noted on the second page of the permit.
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Contact Info
Doug Michalak
Zoning Administrator
Group Members
Marianna Evans
Travis Stempek
Don Reves
Betty Kropatsch
Jeff Oppliger
Matt Bates
Alternate Member
Ashlea Gurley