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Burn Pile Violations


The Village offers residents a place to take their branches and brush to burn.  This privelage is at risk of being taken away.  We continue to find boards with nails, paint, non-wood items and others.  These items are not allowed, as noted on the large sign right by the pile.  The Village must get approval through the State to have the burn pile.  We were forced to move it and bought property in order to keep it for the residents.  However, the state will shut it down if they ever find any inappropriate items in the pile.  PLEASE watch what you are dumping there.  And help others if they do not know.  The Village may not have a say in whether we are allowed to keep it open otherwise.  This also goes for the grass pile.  PLEASE only dump GRASS on the grass pile.  No cans, bottles or other items.  This too, may be removed if there are continued violations.

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