Planning & Zoning
The Village of Duncan's Planning & Zoning Commission is responsible for the following:
- To make, or cause to be made, and recommend adoption of plans for the physical and economic development of the Village
- To consult with or advise public officials and agencies, public utilities, civic organizations, educational institutions and citizens with regard to the adoption and implementation of the Village of Duncan Comprehensive Plan
- To delegate authority to any group or consultant to conduct studies and make surveys for the Commission
- To make recommendations to the Village Board on the adoption, implementation and amendment of the Duncan Comprehensive Plan, the Duncan Zoning Regulations or such other plan or regulation affecting the physical and economic development of the Village
- To make and enter into contracts with public and private entities, with the consent of the Village Board
- To conduct or sponsor special studies for another public body or agency
- To receive gifts, bequests, contributions, grants and re-numeration or reimbursement for studies conducted and expend funds appropriated to it by the Village Board
- Employ agents and employees, with the consent of the Village Board
- Hold and dispose of property
- Summon witnesses, administer oaths and compel the giving of testimony at public hearings
Our Planning & Zoning Commission take on the responsibility within our community of the following:
- Enforcing zoning codes and
- Ensuring the health, safety and general welfare of our citizens.
Contact Info
Betty Kropatsch
Committee member
Travis Stempek
Don Reves
Zoning Administrator
Marianna Evans
Abbey Wright
Matt Bates
Ashley Gurley
Gary Schlesinger